Railway Budget 2023 – Indian Railways got a capital outlay of Rs 2.40 lakh crore from FM Sitharaman in the Budget. This is the highest ever capital outlay for railways till date and is 9 times the outlay provided to railways in 2013-14. Railway Budget was merged with the Union Budget in 2016 and is now not presented separately.<br>”A capital outlay of Rs 2.40 lakh crore has been provided for the Railways. This highest ever outlay is about 9 times the outlay made in 2013-14,” FM Nirmala Sitharaman said in her Budget 2023 speech. “The newly established Infrastructure Finance Secretariat will assist all stakeholders for more private investment in infrastructure, including railways, roads, urban infrastructure and power, which are predominantly dependent on public resources,”
Indian Railways has been focussing on the rollout of 75 Vande Bharat trains by August 2023. Meanwhile, the tender for the manufacturing of 200 Vande Bharat sleeper trains is expected to be awarded soon. The Vande Bharat Express trains are chair car services that are slowly replacing Shatabdi Express trains on the Indian Railways network. The sleeper versions of Vande Bharat Express will look to replace the premium Rajdhani Express trains. Railway experts have stressed on the need to upgrade major tracks to 160 kmph speed potential to be able to run the Vande Bharat trains to their full potential. Economic Survey 2023 has also acknowledged the introduction of Vande Bharat trains as a major initiative by Indian Railways. “Semi High-Speed self-propelled Vande Bharat Trainsets were manufactured by Integral Coach Factory, Chennai, with indigenous efforts. These trains have ultra-modern features like quick acceleration, substantial reduction in travel time, having maximum speed of 160 kmph, on-board infotainment and Global Positioning System (GPS) based passenger information system, etc,” the Survey says.<br>Meanwhile, the Economic Survey 2023 expects the passenger traffic on Indian Railways to witness growth. “During the current financial year, passenger traffic has seen further strong growth with the number of originating passengers already hitting 418.4 crore (up to November 2022). Enhanced mobility across the country and demand for faster and competitive trains will assist the growth in passenger traffic in the coming years,” the Survey has said.