Union Budget: Indian Railways is set to undergo unprecedented modernization and expansion in FY 2023-24. In the Union Budget announced on February 01, the Railways received a capital outlay of Rs 2,41,267.51 crore. The allocation is about nine times the outlay made since 2013-14. Investment in focus The ministry is looking to focus on investing […]
The Indian Railways have placed an order for 84,000 wagons, the highest in the national transporter’s history. This will help boost the railways’ freight transportation share to 45 per cent by 2030 from the current 27 per cent, Union minister Darshana Jardosh said. Various schemes for the purchase of special types of wagons have also […]
Railway Budget 2023 – Indian Railways got a capital outlay of Rs 2.40 lakh crore from FM Sitharaman in the Budget. This is the highest ever capital outlay for railways till date and is 9 times the outlay provided to railways in 2013-14. Railway Budget was merged with the Union Budget in 2016 and is […]
The key to the success of any logistics contract is good logistics management. The key to good management is the ability to identify the needs of the client and the countries in which the work will take place, as well as being in a position to advise the best way forward. In today’s international and remote locations, experience and understanding of logistics operations and local networks is vital. With the many years of experience in our team, we have a detailed understanding of the criticality or every aspect of the logistics world.